black, white, orange, blue and red face paint
temporary silver hair color spray
assorted plastic bugs
Time needed: Afternoon or Evening
1. To make these critters look three-dimensional, you'll want to paint them on in layers. Begin by mixing orange, blue and red face paint to create a beige shade that's just a little darker or lighter than your child's complexion. Then use the mixed hue to paint a shadow for each bug. (Note: The shadows should be a little bigger than the insects you plan to paint on top of them.) For an extra-creepy effect, you can even add bug bite marks near a couple of the shadows -- mix together white and red face paint and use a fingertip to dab it onto your child's skin.
2. Now use green, orange, red, blue and black face paint to paint the bugs on top of their shadows. A narrow margin of the beige undercoat should remain visible along the edges.
3. Top each bug with a dab of white face paint. This will make the bugs look like they have shiny shells.
4. For a finishing "cobweb" effect, you can spray your child's hair with temporary silver hair color and then bobby-pin on assorted plastic bugs. (Both the hair spray and the bugs are available at many pharmacies and novelty stores.)
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